The DIY Guy

This post really speaks to me, and I hope you enjoy it too. Other than the “car” DIY, I’m right there with Andy on his love for gardening… and when I was younger I actually made my own soda pop – never ventured into brewing beer but there’s always tomorrow. 🙂 Thanks Andy for a […]

Z Haiku

Today marks the end of the “Blogging From A to Z” challenge. Together, we have enjoyed twenty-six consecutive articles (one for each letter of the alphabet) about “garden pests, common problems and ridiculous garden myths.” After reflecting on the incredible fortitude of the animal kingdom- more specifically the insect kingdom- I am resigned to the fact that […]

Yellow Jackets Can Get Too Close For Comfort

Often mistaken for bees, the yellow jacket is actually a member of the paper wasp family. Yellow jackets form large colonies, sometimes numbering in the thousands. Mostly, gardeners welcome yellow jackets into the garden as they kill many insects considered to be problematic in your garden. Trouble is, when they colonize in heavily traveled outdoor areas, they can […]


Gotta face facts folks… here in the west, we have some very dry days ahead. With rain and snow pack at 30-40% of normal, a drought is imminent. California hasn’t seen dry conditions like this since the drought of 1975. Greater demand and less available water means the summer 0f 2014 is shaping up to be even worse. Thanks […]